Become a Brand Ambassador

Terms And Conditions
You will receive the following benefits:
- Six months free M-EAT! subscription
- A M-EAT! t.shirt
- A personalised discount code to share with your followers
What we'd love from you:
- Share monthly content with the nutritional benefits (54% protein, less than 1% fat and carbohydrates) of M-EAT! products on your feed (as per Instagram guidelines for collaborations)
- Share weekly content on your stories
- Post at a time when your engagement is at its highest
- Stay true to your style
- Mention premium British beef, traceability and sustainable sourcing of M-EAT!
- Include the product in your photo and ensure branding is visible
- Share the discount code with your followers
- Encourage people to use your discount code
- Include M-EAT! handle in your caption
Of course we expect that many of your followers will redeem your unique discount code. In the unlikely event that your code isn't redeemed in the first six weeks we will review our collaboration with you.