Biltong News
You are what you eat
You are what you eat, literally. Grass-fed meat contains fewer calories which is a huge benefit when trying to control your overall calorie consumption. It contains more healthy fats such as omega-3 which helps in the prevention of heart attack, stroke, depression but also promotes focus.
Is biltong suitable for your Keto diet?
Ardent followers of the Keto diet swear by both biltong and drywors as snacks (both of which are available in the M-EAT! range). The grass-fed beef we use in our biltong produces lean meat that is 54% protein and no sugar (which makes it different from beef jerky which is unsuitable for the Keto diet)
Thank you NHS
A couple of weeks ago we launched the 25% off for NHS initiative to support the dedicated healthcare workers pulling long hours with little rest.