A couple of weeks ago we launched the 25% off for NHS initiative to support the dedicated healthcare workers pulling long hours with little rest. Since then we have had hundreds of NHS staff sign up and join the M-EAT! family. So, we thought it only fitting to officially welcome our heroes to the M-EAT! community. Disclaimer: gushing tribute ahead!
As the world changed beyond recognition, in what felt like a moment our focus turned collectively to a set of people unlike any other. We'd passed them in the street, bumped into them at a supermarket or even lived next door to them all our lives barely acknowledging their selfless vocation. But as confusion about the virus threatened to become larger than life, we looked to them for answers. They are of course, the phenomenal humans who make up the NHS; doctors, nurses, ambulance teams, cleaners, porters and all the other nameless heroes who picked up the sword to fight the fight. As we braced ourselves, for the worst, they risked their lives to care for the sick, comfort the needy and heal the nation with love and empathy that seems to know no bounds.
So, we write this post in your honour to salute you as you battle against the odds. When we all clap for you each week, to remind the world of your devotion, we also remind ourselves of all that is good in the world. From the bottom of our hearts we thank you. You make the world a better place and show us by example that we are all better off because of you.
Whatever little we offer you in return may never match the sacrifices you make but our hearts are filled with gratitude. We will climb this mountain together and we shall overcome. All that is left to say is, "welcome to the M-EAT! family. We are privileged to serve you.