There's no two ways about it: zinc is vital and this unassuming metal has great significance in the human body. It plays a role in immune function, protein synthesis, wound healing and cell division amongst many other things. It is also required for a proper sense of taste and smell. We need a daily intake of zinc to maintain a balanced state because the human body has no natural system for storing it. We must simply find it in our diet each day.
Not having the adequate amounts of zinc in our diet can cause loss of appetite and an impaired immune function. At the extreme end of the spectrum it can cause hair loss, eye and skin lesions according to the US Department of Health and Human Services.
On a more positive note, studies also suggest that zinc may play a role in delaying the progression of age-related macular degeneration and vision loss. In simpler terms, it may keep our bodies younger for longer. Now there's something we are happy to buy in to.
Cue biltong which can contribute to the 8 to 12mg of zinc humans require each day (RDA). Why? Because red meat is one of the richest sources of it. Whilst many supplements exist to boost our intake of zinc, it is proven that our nutritional needs must primarily be from the food we eat (Dietary Guidelines for Americans, 2015-2020). As we always use grass-fed lean British beef in M-EAT! biltong you can be assured that you're getting all of the nutrients contained in it, including zinc, without artificial additives.
Our processes never compromise the integrity of the food we deliver to you. Tender cuts of lean beef marinated with natural spices produced right here in Wimbledon. Using only ancient, traditional South African methods of curing we consider our biltong food for the soul as much as for the body.
So, go ahead and zinc up with M-EAT! We promise that each pack is filled with all the nutrients as nature intended. Simply adding biltong to your salad, eggs or pasta dish is the easiest way to increase the nutritional value of every day food. You can also simply enjoy M-EAT! as a snack in its own right. With six flavours to satisfy the most discerning palates upping your daily zinc intake should be a walk in the park. Start with our snack selection box and work your way through all of it. Best of all, we will deliver it straight to your door!